About Author
About Sally Lee Baker
Click here for author page on Amazon

Nearing retirement Sally Lee Baker began writing alphabetical alliterative children's books when she was library clerk at her local public school. Now, ten years later, she has finished the alphabet with Zach the Zany Zebra.
As an author and illustrator, she finds most enjoyment in reading to children. With one daughter and family near Edmonton, Alberta, Sally takes advantage of visits there to read in other public schools. During the pandemic, she was able to connect to students through the internet.
Sally has always enjoyed art and has taken a few workshops by local acrylic and watercolor artists. Using her art lessons and computer skills she illustrates each book on the laptop with the touchpad as her paintbrush.
Sally and her husband, Ted, have retired as missionaries from SEND International and live near their other daughter and family in Faro, Yukon Territory of Canada. Though retired, they are very involved in EMS, church, sports activities, and the local free store.
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